Sunday, September 20, 2015

Processes’ Posting

The article explains how Uber is different from regular taxi

1.0 Identify the process in an introduction.
The article begins with an active voice explaining the clear differences between Uber and a regular taxi. It gives the pros and cons or both uber and a regular taxi. The process talks mainly about the purpose and audience of the system. It compares Uber drivers to taxi drivers. It provides step by step details on how they are different with 5 visuals that helps us. Even though the visuals in the article were not lacking, better pictures related to the topic could have been used for better understanding of the article. The main goal of the article was to give the cons of Uber. The process was enumerated in five steps and broken down so that it was effective for the reader.

2.0 Present a step-by-step explanation of the process in chronological order, including cause-and-effect explanations as necessary.

The process is defined by breaking down the differences into 5 steps. The first step explains what's Uber and how can it be helpful. It also engages the audience through Uber vs taxi debates. The purpose of step one was to explain to the reader why Uber is not better than a traditional taxi. The sub step of step one was broken down into five parts : its ambiguity, how regular taxi drivers are more synchronized with the route system, how the GPS tracking system goes off at times, and its cost. This step relates to the next step because it supports the writer's argument on the urgency to switch back to regular taxi services.

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